Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Research Report Blues

A while back, I had to do a research report...and I did not like it. Not very fun if you ask me (to be quite's really boring). So..when I was taking one of my breaks, I came up with this story :
The Report
By Amanda

Allmost done with research report. She sits in front of the computer, sweat pouring down her face. She gasps for air ~ one more word! One more! There she sits, pleading with the computer. I MUST get this done she tells her self. I must! But it isnt humanly possible. Imust! I have to! I'll never go to sixth grade if i dont! She has been typing so long, the tips of her fingers are raw. I must preservere! She has been typing for so long, her fingers will have to be put in casts for 3 months says the doctor. The poor girl has to get her report done. She wont be able to sleep at night. Late in the middle of the night, she sneaks out to the computer, and with the very last of her strength, she types out the final paragraph. She is so sick of typing, and so glad shes done. So relived.Shes so happy, she could walk a mile, and her feet would never touch the ground. She clicks the red x in theright hand corner. Then she clicks turn off computer. The computer turns off. The poor overworked girl turns off the light and goes to bed. As she lies there, a terrifying thought pops into her head. Did I save it? Im SURE i did! Because im so tiered I have dreamed this up the poor girl tells herself. Sadly, all night the unfoutunete youth worries. The next morning, she has large black circles under her eyes. "Wheres your reasearch report? Where is it? come on. i dont have all day. Im waiting" the girls mom says. It's right here the girl says. To herself she says It has to be here! please, please be here! She turns on the computer, and searches every thing that has been saved in that computer. The last thing dates back to1880***

So there she sits pleading with the computer.

Can you tell i never want to do another one?
*** If they had computers way back then!

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