Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cap'n Billy Three Fingers

This is what happens if I get bored enough! LOL.

Ahoy Matey! Shiver me timbers....It's peices O' eight floutin' long the waves of the blue bonny! I tell ye laddy....I be losin my mind quick! It be but a short while an' me be as bad as ol' Jack Jaggedtooth. Bless his po' ol' soul, died a true pirate with his boots on an' his cutlass by his side. Well I be goin now lad. It's time I check our course an be makin' sure we be goin th' right way. Methinks I'll be no longer seen' peices O' eight on the bright blue for i've had some O' cooks black drink he calls "co-fee" it makes me face turn white and me black beard curl if it has no sugar. Yestiddy' me snuck some from the kitchin, for cook has it under lock an' key. Me be cap'n an me still have to steal sugar from cook! Why I've been doin that since Me was js' a cabn boy! Methinks I used th' last O his sugar today....but Im not sure cuz cook came in while me be snatchin some O it, an me hadda make a nice long story, tall as the ships mast an long as the bight blue. Me nights pass witout a wink O sleep, for I fear mutiny. Late at night me hears voices two inches high planning somthing. Night before last, me hears sounds of somone talking and me grabs me grabbed a lan'ren too and went out on th' deck but all was still. Me fears I be losin the brain, or the gohst of ol Cap'n one tooth be vist'n me. Ev'ry night me sleeps in the same bed as he did an' me dreams he come and be wavin his sword ov'r me and say'n "By thousands of thunderin typhoons you be pay'n for what you did to me be pay'n a dear price too!" and me wakes up and not sleep till dawn. I tell you laddy, the end O me is not far if things be goin as they are now. I really must be goi'n fears we be off course.
Yours till the ocean waves,
Cap'n Billy Three Fingers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Raining Cats and Dogs!

It's raining cats and dogs! Its hailing saws and logs! It's snowing boats with oars for rowing, it's snowing lawn mowers for mowing. It's raining, hailing, snowing! The wing is blowing, blowing tornadoes! Yikes! It just ruined my prize tomatoes! Oh what a muddle I said as I stepped in a puddle.....a poodle puddle because it had been raining cats and dogs, before the previous hail of saws and logs! Oh what a terrible muddle I thought as i tip-toed around another poodle puddle. All of a sudden it began to rain sheets....and the tornado took up the butchers place, and all of his meats......and sheets and meats came rushing down! This terrible storm is destroying out town!